Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm Taking Over

Okay, so my wife tried starting our blog like 6 months ago and as you can see, she only posted once. So, in attempt to keep our friends and family updated on our amazing lives, I'm going to try to take over (or at least help my wife) with the blogging. I'm not totally sold on this whole internet fad, but everyone says it's here to stay. So I guess I better add all our juicy details for everyone to read about.

So anyway, a quick update on our lives. Natalie is now 34 weeks along with her pregnancy. We're having a girl and are going to name her Madison Belle McFarland. We're still working on her nursery but it's very slow going, since we're also finishing our basement. I can't wait to be a dad! It's going to be the coolest thing ever. Not sure if I'm ready, but who is? We've been very lucky/blessed since Natalie has a job where she can work from home. I currently work for Black Bear Resort as their Art Director. We're building the next big luxury resort up at Bear Lake. So it's all fun and exciting. Other than that, there's not much to our lives. Just trying to ready ourselves for parenthood. More to come soon...hopefully.

2 Responses:

Lyndsey said...

I am so glad that you are posting again. I am anxious to see this cute little thing that will be here soon enough. Hope we can get together sometime.

Kristin said...

Way to go Garrett on the post! I hear the basement is looking awesome! I can't wait to come see the latest. Let's get together soon. I know you guys are way busy and have a lot on your plate so let us know when you have time!